Ever since my childhood, I’ve felt like a stranger on this planet—a feeling I couldn’t quite place, but deep down, I knew something wasn’t right. At school, I lagged behind, repeated a year, and needed extra tutoring. I was the outsider, the eternal scapegoat. Bullying became my daily reality. When secondary school forced me to choose a path for my future, I felt lost. How can you decide what to do with your life at such a young age? I chose something I thought might fit. In the end, I earned three diplomas and was prepared for working life. But I quickly discovered that I didn’t fit into that system.

The Frustration Grows
After my divorce at the age of 27, I found work as a florist at Jumbo Supermarkets. What started as a new opportunity soon became a source of frustration. I saw how people were treated like numbers, how you could be replaced without hesitation if you didn’t meet expectations. Everything was automated—from the buzzer announcing breaks to clocking in and out. I felt like a herd animal forced to march in step. After seven years, I couldn’t take it anymore. I ended up at home, battling depression.
The Start of Change
That depression turned out to be a gift in disguise. It forced me to reevaluate my life. After a year at home, I tried once again to find my way in flower shops, but it became clear: this system didn’t suit me. I’m someone who doesn’t thrive in a world of “musts.” Who decides what we must do, anyway?
In 2020, when the world was turned upside down by COVID-19, a friend gave me the push I needed. He encouraged me to investigate the system we live in thoroughly. That changed everything. I realized that from birth, we’re groomed to fit into a system that serves not us, but a small elite.
The Power of Awareness
We are given just enough to survive, so we continue to work and consume. Fear is deliberately created and fed because a fearful population is easy to manipulate. But is that truly the purpose of our existence? I refuse to accept that. We weren’t born just to work and pay bills. It’s an inhumane system, and I refuse to blindly follow it any longer.
Finding My Own Way
While it may seem impossible to completely step out of this system, I’m doing everything I can to walk my path. I’m now my own boss, no longer working to fill someone else’s pockets, and I prioritize my happiness. By confronting my inner struggles, I’ve rediscovered my strength.
That’s my message to everyone: stand in your own power. Resolve your own inner blocks, because only then can you truly be free.
The Future
I believe there will come a day when everyone sees the truth of this system. And when we collectively decide to no longer participate—for instance, by refusing to pay unjust taxes—the house of cards will collapse. On that day, we can build a beautiful world—a world where humanity, freedom, and connection are central. Until then, I remain true to myself, because I no longer live in fear. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is true freedom.
With love,
Debbie ❤️